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Peckham Levels regeneration project granted licence
September 2016
The long-awaited Peckham Levels project has been granted a premises licence by Southwark Council’s licensing sub-committee. The site will be transformed from an underused multi-storey car park into a thriving arts, culture and community space. The operators, Make Shift, are a team of designers and entrepreneurs who are responsible for designing, delivering and managing the Peckham Levels project up until its doors close in July 2023. They are the team behind Pop Brixton, which is home to 55 local businesses.
The Peckham Levels development will be spread over seven levels of car-park and cover more than 900,000 square feet. It’s thought that the space will house a working community of up to 600 people.
The creative workspaces will include 50 private and shared studios, a handful of larger offices, shared making spaces, manual workshops, music rehearsal studios, print rooms and ceramics facilities.
The site will also include open public spaces with food and drink outlets and a community café, an event and exhibition venue, and wellbeing and fitness studios.
Gary Grant acted for Make Shift Ltd