Gary Grant Licensing Lawyer Direct access Licensing Barrister Licensing Lawyers Licensing Barristers
Licensing Barrister
Licensing Expertise
Expert advice, representation and advocacy at all levels for:
Alcohol and Entertainment Premises Licence and Variation applications (including late hours applications in stress/cumulative impact areas)
Reviews, Summary Reviews & Closure Orders
Appeals to Magistrates’ Courts, Crown Court, High Court and above (including judicial reviews/case stated)
Gambling, casinos, lotteries and betting shops (terrestrial and online)
Cannabis/CBD Licensing
Sex Entertainment Venues (SEV's)
Temporary Event Notices
Street Trading & Street Markets
Firearms, shotguns and explosives
Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles
Advisory work on Statements of Licensing Policy
Criminal prosecutions and defence – including licensing, gambling, planning, environmental, trading standards, animal welfare, health and safety, motoring, fraud and money laundering offences (in addition to wide experience of serious and often high-profile general crime)
Licensing training for operators, local authorities, police forces, trade bodies, commercial and non-commercial organisations
Cinemas, Theatres. Galleries & Museums
Animal welfare and pet licensing
Special Treatment licensing